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佳耶师利曾经为几十部印度电影演唱,曾与著名印度电影配乐大师A. R. Rahman合作。入行近30年来,佳耶师利更是获奖无数,并在世界上20多个国家进行巡回演出。
2011年末,李安的电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》刚刚开拍,其音乐总监、加拿大籍的Mychael Danna在听到了佳耶师利的专辑《摇篮曲》(汇集诸多印度各传统、各地方言中的摇篮曲)之后,诚邀佳耶师利为电影的主题曲作曲与演唱。这首《派的摇篮曲》虽然最终没有拿到小金人,却以纯粹的音乐力量感染了全世界。

The co-songwriter and vocalist of the theme song from the movie ‘Life of Pi’: Bombay Jayashri
Nominee for Best Original Song of the 85th Academy Awards and the 70th Golden Globe Awards
Bombay Jayashri Ramnath is one of the most outstanding Carnatic vocalists in India. Born into a Kolkata family of musicians, she began to learn the Carnatic music under the instructions of her parents when she was very young. Before long, she became a disciple of Sri Lalgudi Jayaraman -- the most important Indian violinist, vocalist and composer in the 20th century.
Jayashri has sung for a number of Indian movies, and once cooperated with the soundtrack master A. R. Rahman. During thirty years of her performing life, she has been awarded numerous times, touring internationally in more than 20 countries.
In the late 2011, when ‘Life of Pi’ -- directed by Ang Lee -- had just begun filming, the music director Mychael Danna from Canada invited Jayashri to write the theme song with him and later record it. This was after he heard her wonderful album ‘Vatsalyam’ containing diverse Indian lullabies from different Indian traditions in multiple languages. Although ‘Pi’s Lullaby’ did not won the Oscar, the world has truly been touched by its genuine appeal of music.
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